Category Archives: RIGHT WING

Despite Best Efforts, Breitbart Still Vexed By Reds

  It’s On!   

Also posted in MCCARTHYISM, RED SCARE, TEA BAGGERS | Leave a comment

Weak Tea: Playing Dress Up, For America!

  Founding Fathers Fakery!         The Washington Post reports on the tragic encounter between boring old “Colonial Williamsburg” and red hot tea baggers, searching for validation in the make believe village. Park operators seem somewhat leary of the crazed tricorn-hatists now flocking to the sleepy Virginia recreation of a cleaned up colonial […]

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Here’s To The State Of Richard Nixon*

  Legends Of The Fall It’s come to this: after being open 20 years, the Nixon Library’s best spokesman for defending the Nixon “legacy” is creationist fraudster and imaginary civil rights veteran Ben Stein. The  celebration of 20 proud years is in the spirit of Nixon, with events featuring such 60s legends as Freddie “The […]

Also posted in RED SCARE, RICHARD NIXON | Leave a comment

Flag Of Our Fathers

  Snakes Eyed How can the Teabaggers surge to power when they can’t even agree on their flag’s name, now on sale at deep discounts? No Tea Party rally is  complete without Hammers & Sickles, racist Obama posters, and the beloved “Don’t Tread On Me” flag. Continental Congress Delegate Christopher Gadsden invented the banner during […]

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